Machine Round | LLD Interview Round Questions

Practice below questions before you go for an interview:

Implement nested checkboxes

Implement a Star Rating Widget

Javascript | How to create tabs in HTML



Write a UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript that allows uses to enter the number of rows and columns in

UI Coding Interview Question, Implement a data table from an array of objects using HTML/CSS and

Build TypeHead Component

Render a directory tree given a nested JSON object

StopWatch | Coding Interview Question [IMP]

Digital Clock [IMP]

Build Traffic Light [IMP]

Design Tic Tac Toe Game [IMP]

Build Todo List in React

Product Rating Component

Shopping Cart UI

Search Autocomplete Feature

Product Image Gallery

Pagination vs. Infinite Scroll

Product Quick View Modal

Product Filtering Sidebar

Product Comparison Feature

User Review and Feedback Form

Implement a Todo List: Create a simple todo list application where users can add, edit, and delete tasks.

Build a Weather App: Develop a weather application that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to the user.

Create a Pagination Component: Design a pagination component that handles navigation between pages of data.

Implement a Login Form: Build a login form with validation for email and password fields.

Build a Countdown Timer: Develop a countdown timer component that starts from a specified time and decrements until it reaches zero.

Create a Modal Component: Design a modal component that can be toggled open and closed.

Implement Drag and Drop: Develop a feature that allows users to drag and drop items within a list.

Build a Chat Application: Develop a real-time chat application using WebSockets or a library like

Create a Dropdown Component: Design a dropdown component with options that can be selected by the user.

Implement Form Validation: Develop a form with validation for various fields such as email, password, and phone number.

Build a Carousel Component: Design a carousel component that displays a slideshow of images or content.

Create a Responsive Layout: Develop a responsive layout that adjusts based on the screen size and orientation.

Implement Redux Store: Set up a Redux store and integrate it with a React application to manage state.

Build an Infinite Scroll Component: Develop a component that loads more data as the user scrolls down the page.

Create a Quiz Application: Develop a quiz application where users can answer multiple-choice questions and see their score at the end.

For your practice:
- Checkout Process Redesign
- Personalised User Dashboard

