[IMP] Differences between Enzyme and React Testing Library

my day to day learning…

Enzyme vs React Testing Library


  • JavaScript Testing utility for React
  • Enzyme is a popular testing library from Airbnb
  • It provides us to test the implementation details of a React component
  • It can provide us with access to the state, props and children components of a React component

React Testing Library:

  • It was created by Kent C. Dodds (React Educator)
  • It is a light-weight testing library.
  • The testing is done from user’s perspective. That’s why this library doesn’t provide us the access to the component’s properties such as it’s state and props.
  • The assertions are made from the DOM elements which can be accessed by the utility provided by React Testing Library.

Major differences between Enzyme and React Testing Library

Conceptual difference :

  • In Enzyme, we are testing the component using the state and props of the component.
  • React Testing Library, we test the component from user’s perspective.

Shallow or deep rendering

  • In React Testing Library, we test using the DOM. So, there is no shallow or deep rendering. But in Enzyme, shallow or deep rendering is present.
  • React Testing Library doesn’t provide us any means to gain access to the internals of the component.



There is no hard and fast rules on how to test a component. Sometimes, we may need to test the internals of the component when just testing the DOM from user’s perspective may not make sense.

